Sunday, August 26, 2012
You can call me "slacker"
Well, I'm sure all you thousands and millions of blog viewers have been wrenching in mental anguish, just waiting for a blog update! Well, I've been trying to take time away from screens. I've deactivated my facebook, and am trying to not watch as much tv. Just trying to spend more time with my babies while they are still babies, instead of wondering what the rest of the world is up to. I cooked some pretty awesome stuff this week, maybe I'll let you guys know about it during nap times ;]
Friday, August 17, 2012
Fashion Friday 8.17.12
Ahh! Chopped all my hair off and dyed it red!
Still trying to figure out how I want to style it, it looks different from every angle. I was wearing my hair up all the time though, so might as well cut it off! It will look better with bandannas and hats and such.
Adeline always picks out her own clothes. This is what she was wearing to pick up daddy the other day..
And Averie totally loving her flower headband!
Going downtown tonight a little while for my friend's birthday, still need to figure out what to wear! Have to go to the laundry first. Nothing more fun to do on a Friday evening, that's for sure!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Thrifty Thursday 8.16.12
I wouldn't consider myself an extreme coupon-er. I don't have a room full of toilet paper or five thousand cans of spaghetti sauce. But I do love a deal! That's why I started shopping at Publix, I love their BOGO deals.
Now, I know that there is this whole conspiracy of Publix raising the price of the item, so in reality you aren't getting a great of a deal as you thought. Don't rain on my parade! What I do to tilt the scale in my favor is use coupons with the BOGO.
For instance, one week Ocean Spray Juice was BOGO. Now, I love me some cranberry juice. So, I found a buy two get one free coupon online, and got 4 containers of juice and only paid for one! I also found a coupon for 75 cents off of four Hamburger Helpers. Now, the only way I'd ever buy four is if they were BOGO, so I only paid for those two but got 75 cents off since there were four in my cart. Got it?
A lot of coupons require you to buy two packages of things, so they are great to use with BOGO. I'm sure you can figure out some crazy way to get twenty of them for free if your store doubles coupons and all of that, but it gets really tricky and is just not worth it to me. This week one of their BOGOs is for Taco Bell Home Originals. I also found a coupon for 75 cents off of two Taco Bell home originals. That's a savings of up to 2.34. Tacos anyone?
Now, I know that there is this whole conspiracy of Publix raising the price of the item, so in reality you aren't getting a great of a deal as you thought. Don't rain on my parade! What I do to tilt the scale in my favor is use coupons with the BOGO.
For instance, one week Ocean Spray Juice was BOGO. Now, I love me some cranberry juice. So, I found a buy two get one free coupon online, and got 4 containers of juice and only paid for one! I also found a coupon for 75 cents off of four Hamburger Helpers. Now, the only way I'd ever buy four is if they were BOGO, so I only paid for those two but got 75 cents off since there were four in my cart. Got it?
A lot of coupons require you to buy two packages of things, so they are great to use with BOGO. I'm sure you can figure out some crazy way to get twenty of them for free if your store doubles coupons and all of that, but it gets really tricky and is just not worth it to me. This week one of their BOGOs is for Taco Bell Home Originals. I also found a coupon for 75 cents off of two Taco Bell home originals. That's a savings of up to 2.34. Tacos anyone?
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Work It Wednesday 8.15.12
I've been feeling so crafty lately! I'm trying to keep it up instead of just thinking about all the cool things I could do while I sit around watching Toddlers and Tiaras.
Last night was the first meeting for a book club that I'm part of called Cookin' the Books. We read The Glass Castle, which is a memoir of Jeanette Walls living in a dysfunctional family. I bought it on my kindle and read through it in two days. Not bad for me, I've never been much of a reader in my adult life. I decided to make little cakes that look like butter, because there is a part of the book in which the sisters have nothing to eat in the house, so they stick butter in sugar because it "tastes just like frosting."
Last night was the first meeting for a book club that I'm part of called Cookin' the Books. We read The Glass Castle, which is a memoir of Jeanette Walls living in a dysfunctional family. I bought it on my kindle and read through it in two days. Not bad for me, I've never been much of a reader in my adult life. I decided to make little cakes that look like butter, because there is a part of the book in which the sisters have nothing to eat in the house, so they stick butter in sugar because it "tastes just like frosting."
Yep, those are little pound cakes with butter cream frosting, nestled in butter wrappers! They were quite a hit, I was so excited!
Also, my friend and her son's birthday is coming up. On the invitation she said that he has a lot of toys. So rather than get him something that will sit in the bottom of a toy box, Adeline and I made him something he could use. A hot wheels clock!
It was quite easy once you get the materials together, and I think it turned out pretty well! I went ahead and got the battery for it too, because everyone secretly hates getting gifts that need batteries and aren't working yet. Best of all it's a birthday present made with love. Doesn't get better than that right?
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Tattoo Tuesday 8.14.12
Yay, Tattoo Tuesday! My first featured guest is fellow tatted mama Samantha Hayn.
A little about Samantha...
I'm 21 and a mother to a wonderful son named Jaiden! When I'm not working you can find me taking pictures of just about anything! Photography is my passion and I'm in the hopes of becoming professional someday in the very near future.
Tell us about your tattoos...
I love love love tattoos! I now have 5, I'm in the process of a half sleeve right now as we speak.
All of my tattoo's have flowers in them. I love flowers they are just the definition of beautiful! I chose an owl for my most recent tattoo based on my love for owls. I have always thought they were just so breath taking with their big eyes and their aggressive yet sweet look!
A little about Samantha...
I'm 21 and a mother to a wonderful son named Jaiden! When I'm not working you can find me taking pictures of just about anything! Photography is my passion and I'm in the hopes of becoming professional someday in the very near future.
Tell us about your tattoos...
I love love love tattoos! I now have 5, I'm in the process of a half sleeve right now as we speak.
All of my tattoo's have flowers in them. I love flowers they are just the definition of beautiful! I chose an owl for my most recent tattoo based on my love for owls. I have always thought they were just so breath taking with their big eyes and their aggressive yet sweet look!
Artist: Josh Dunlap.
Thanks Samantha, love the owl! If you want to be featured on Tattoo Tuesday, hit me up!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Menu Monday 8.13.12
So there you are, trying to make breakfast the morning of a much needed grocery trip. You have cereal but no milk. Eggs but no bacon. Waffles but no syrup. Jelly but no bread. You get the drift. What in God's green earth are you supposed to give the screaming monsters attached to your leg to be quiet?
Leftover filled eggs. Nomnomnom. I made some with Adeline today, and felt nice and full until lunch and didn't have to feel guilty [like a DD run would of left me feeling].
You can use pretty much any veggie that's about to go bad/you have left, but this is what mine included:
4 Eggs
Kale [I didn't cook mine down before I added it to the skillet because I like a little crunch]
Salsa [We had a little left from last nights nachos]
Shredded Monterrey Jack cheese [also left over from nachos]
Pretty self explanatory, cook all that stuff and put cheese on top. Yeah, if I ever write a cook book it will be called Lazy Bitch.
Leftover filled eggs. Nomnomnom. I made some with Adeline today, and felt nice and full until lunch and didn't have to feel guilty [like a DD run would of left me feeling].
You can use pretty much any veggie that's about to go bad/you have left, but this is what mine included:
4 Eggs
Kale [I didn't cook mine down before I added it to the skillet because I like a little crunch]
Salsa [We had a little left from last nights nachos]
Shredded Monterrey Jack cheese [also left over from nachos]
Pretty self explanatory, cook all that stuff and put cheese on top. Yeah, if I ever write a cook book it will be called Lazy Bitch.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Fashion Friday...oops
As you may know, it's summer and I live in Florida. So Friday we were not wearing clothes, we were in our swimsuits all day! Same with Saturday, and it's been a lot of fun. It was Avi's first time in a pool and at the beach, and she really seems to like the water. However, she was not a fan of the heat and was letting us all know it by the end of the trip!
Ignore those fingers and check out my daughters' fabulous swim suits!
She was so tired when we got home, I put her in a Bob Marley onesie with a bear hat and she slept for hours. We were calling her little Rasta Bear.
Well, next week I'm hoping to take a few fashion pictures from Pinterest that have no links to actually buy the clothing, and find affordable look-a likes! But for now I'm relaxing, enjoying my coffee with Avi asleep on me, Addi next to me coloring Kai Lan pictures, and my boo off to buy a Kinect for our Xbox!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Thrifty Thursday 8.9.12
Summer is coming to an end [technically, it will still be hot until December], but there is still a little time to catch a cheap summer movie!
Today I took my little ones to go see Puss in Boots at Muvico for FREE! I love going to this event, because I don't have to worry about little Avi Quinn crying. No one can pull the "we paid good money to see this!", and there are always more kids that are more obnoxious then mine there.
Next week, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at ten am, Baywalk will be showing Over the Hedge for free. There is also a kids tray you can buy for 3.50 that includes a drink, popcorn, and sour patch kids.
Since we were already in, I almost showed Adeline the art of sneaking into a movie, but she had already seen Ice Age, and Dark Knight didn't start for another hour. We'll see what happens next week though ;]
Today I took my little ones to go see Puss in Boots at Muvico for FREE! I love going to this event, because I don't have to worry about little Avi Quinn crying. No one can pull the "we paid good money to see this!", and there are always more kids that are more obnoxious then mine there.
Next week, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at ten am, Baywalk will be showing Over the Hedge for free. There is also a kids tray you can buy for 3.50 that includes a drink, popcorn, and sour patch kids.
Since we were already in, I almost showed Adeline the art of sneaking into a movie, but she had already seen Ice Age, and Dark Knight didn't start for another hour. We'll see what happens next week though ;]
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Work it Wednesday 8.8.12
My daughter Adeline and I have been getting more into crafts recently. She's going to be four soon, and she's gaining the attention span to sit down and craft without leaving the table every five seconds. I looked on several different blogs to spruce up old shoes and turn them into glitter shoes, and decided to give it a try.
The materials I used were:
A pair of scuffed up shoes
Modge Podge
A couple of paint brushes and little container for my modge podge and glitter
Scotch Super 77 Spray Adhesive
One blog I read said to mix the modge podge with glitter to create a paste to paint on. I did that for for this pair, but I think in the future, it would be easier to paint a layer of modge podge on to your shoe, then dump the glitter on it. After giving the shoes a few taps, let the modge podge dry. Use the Spray Adhesive to sort of seal the shoe, so glitter won't be flying off all the time.
Pretty simple craft, and I let my daughter paint the shoes with it! This will not be the last pair of shoes we glitterize!
The materials I used were:
A pair of scuffed up shoes
Modge Podge
A couple of paint brushes and little container for my modge podge and glitter
Scotch Super 77 Spray Adhesive
One blog I read said to mix the modge podge with glitter to create a paste to paint on. I did that for for this pair, but I think in the future, it would be easier to paint a layer of modge podge on to your shoe, then dump the glitter on it. After giving the shoes a few taps, let the modge podge dry. Use the Spray Adhesive to sort of seal the shoe, so glitter won't be flying off all the time.
Pretty simple craft, and I let my daughter paint the shoes with it! This will not be the last pair of shoes we glitterize!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Tattoo Tuesday 8.7.12
I am a bit of a Disney freak. Okay, a lot of a Disney freak. Like, wanting to get married on the stairs of a Disney resort surrounded by bridesmaids dressed like princesses, with an Alfred Angelo Cinderlla dress on, spending the rest of my days eating dinner at Downtown Disney wearing Minnie Mouse ears.
So, it would make sense to me to get a tattoo of a Disney character. I actually have one already. Here's my Minnie Mouse cupcake.
This is a picture of the next Disney themed tattoo I want to get. The artist is Tim Shumate. I think I'd change it up a little bit [like the banner wouldn't say Siren] but I love the design! Do you have any Disney tattoos? Would you ever get one?
So, it would make sense to me to get a tattoo of a Disney character. I actually have one already. Here's my Minnie Mouse cupcake.
This is a picture of the next Disney themed tattoo I want to get. The artist is Tim Shumate. I think I'd change it up a little bit [like the banner wouldn't say Siren] but I love the design! Do you have any Disney tattoos? Would you ever get one?
Monday, August 6, 2012
Menu Monday
If you are anything like me, you have two addictions. Coffee and Pinterest. I love Starbucks. Venti iced coffee with white mocha no cream, to be exact. Well, as you might know, this addiction adds up pretty quickly. I'm trying to save money, so I've been looking for coffee recipes that won't have me missing the drive-thru. I saw this one on Pinterest today, and I figured I would share it.
I will totally be trying this! After gaining 35lbs from my pregnancy, I'm looking for healthier options that will still give me some coffee taste and the caffeine I love so dearly!
Side note, if you're on Pinterest, this is me!
I will totally be trying this! After gaining 35lbs from my pregnancy, I'm looking for healthier options that will still give me some coffee taste and the caffeine I love so dearly!
Side note, if you're on Pinterest, this is me!
Here I am, surrounded by bags from Joann's and Target, eating wheat crackers and hummus, nursing my youngest daughter while my oldest is trying to get into the modge podge. My name is Belinda, and I figure this is as good of time as any to begin my blog. My life is filled with smiles and spit up, tattoos, crafts, and overall providing a fun, creative environment for my family on one income. I have never been too good at keeping up with a journal, much less a blog that anyone on the internet can read. So I'm going to try to keep up with a schedule, so I always feel like I have something interesting to write about!
I'm hoping my blog will go a little something like this...
Menu Monday- I have come a long way from messing up Ramen, but I still have trouble following a recipe without adding my own twist. I will show recipes I've tried, things I'd like to make, and maybe a little food porn now and again.
Tattoo Tuesday- In the future I hope to collaborate with other mothers that have tattoos and get some stories and pictures of their ink. I will show you pictures from my personal canvas, and ideas for future inkage.
Work it Wednesday- I had some trouble coming up with a cute name for Wednesday, but basically Wednesday will be all about crafting!
Thrifty Thursday- Thift store finds, awesome sales, how well I did at the grocery store, upcycling. Anything having to do with living a thrifty life!
Fashion Friday- I'm not much of a fashionista, but my three year old sure is. We'll go through my journey of dressing two little girls, and trying to spruce up my own personal wardrobe!
I've left weekends free for pictures of family outings and everything in between. I hope you'll stick around to see what's in store!
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